Viking Street, Kingscliff

All Membership fees (excluding Competition only) include FREE daytime court hire for Members only. All play must be pre-booked online. Additional fees apply to play under lights.
Below are the instructions on how to apply or renew:
Complete the 2025/26 Membership form
Email the completed membership form to info@kingsclifftennisclub.com.au
Transfer the membership fee to the Club’s bank account which is BSB 062-673 Account No. 1003 8410
You will receive an email to confirm membership for the 2025/26 year (1st February 2025 to 31st January 2026)
Bank transfer of membership fees is preferred. The Club cannot be held responsible for cash payments left in the mailboxes at the Clubhouse.
Please note that memberships are non-refundable upon acceptance
Please include your Name as the Reference for all payments.
NOTE: Please contact the Club if you require a written Receipt.